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Version: 1.0.2

Solana Agent Integration with uAgents

This example shows how to integrate Solana wallets within’s uAgents framework. We’ll walk through the EscrowAgent, PlayerAgent, and ChallengerAgent scripts, detailing how each agent:

  1. Registers with the Almanac contract (for discoverability)
  2. Loads Solana private keys from environment variables
  3. Executes transfers, checks balances, and handles bet-based business logic via Solana Devnet
  4. Communicates with other agents through uAgents messaging


  • Solana CLI (configured to Devnet)
  • Poetry (for dependency management)
  • Python 3.8+
  •’s uagents library
  • Solders, requests, etc. (handled by poetry install)
  • .env with your Solana private keys (Base64 arrays) for each agent

Note: Each agent script runs on a different port—EscrowAgent uses :8000, PlayerAgent uses :8001, and ChallengerAgent uses :8002 by default.

High-Level Architecture

  1. PlayerAgent & ChallengerAgent each place a bet by transferring SOL to the Escrow wallet (managed by the EscrowAgent).
  2. EscrowAgent collects two bets, checks the BTC price via an external API, and decides a winner. 90% of the total stake is transferred to the winner’s Solana wallet; the loser forfeits.

Escrow Agent


The EscrowAgent:

  • Registers on Almanac so other agents (Player/Challenger) can discover it
  • Waits for two escrowRequest messages
  • Fetches BTC price from Binance
  • Transfers the correct portion of SOL to the winner

Script Breakdown

Required Libraries

import os
import base58
import ast
from uagents import Agent, Context, Model
from solders.keypair import Keypair
from functions import get_latest_btc_price, transfer_sol
import time
  • os & ast for environment handling
  • uagents for agent creation
  • solders.keypair for Solana KeyPair
  • functions for helper utilities (price fetch & SOL transfer)

Key Classes & Models

class escrowRequest(Model):
amount: float
price: float
public_key: str

class escrowResponse(Model):
result: str
  • escrowRequest holds the user’s desired bet: amount, price, and the user’s Solana public key.
  • escrowResponse returns the result to the user: either "You Won" or "You Lost".

Initialization & Identity

# Retrieve ESCROW_SECRET_LIST from the .env
escrow_secret_key_str = os.getenv('ESCROW_SECRET_LIST')
escrow_secret_key_list = ast.literal_eval(escrow_secret_key_str)
escrow_secret_key_bytes = bytes(escrow_secret_key_list)
escrow_keypair = Keypair.from_bytes(escrow_secret_key_bytes)
escrow_pubkey_base58 = base58.b58encode(bytes(escrow_keypair.pubkey())).decode('utf-8')

agent = Agent(
seed="Escrow Wallet",
  • We decode the Solana private key from .env.
  • Create a Keypair for the Escrow’s wallet.
  • Instantiate a uagents.Agent with the name “EscrowAgent” listening on port 8000.

On Startup

async def saf(ctx: Context):"Escrow agent initialized, ready for bids.")"Escrow agent address: {agent.address}")"bids_count", 0)
  • Logs that the Escrow is online.
  • Initializes a storage key bids_count=0 to track how many requests have come in.

Message Handling

Receiving Bets

@agent.on_message(model=escrowRequest, replies={escrowResponse})
async def escrow_request_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: escrowRequest):
current_count ="bids_count") or 0
if current_count == 0:
# Store first bet
elif current_count == 1:
# Store second bet
# Compare
# Transfer to winner
# Respond with escrowResponse
# Reset storage
  • First Bet: If bids_count=0, store the details (amount, price, user’s pubkey).
  • Second Bet: If bids_count=1, store the second user’s bet, then call get_latest_btc_price().
  • Calculate each user’s distance from the real BTC price.
  • Transfer 90% of the total stake to the winner’s public key with transfer_sol().
  • Send escrowResponse messages to both the winner (You Won) and loser (You Lost).
  • Reset internal storage.

Running the EscrowAgent

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Save the script as
  • Simply run poetry run python

Player Agent


The PlayerAgent simulates a user placing a bet on BTC’s future price.

Script Breakdown

Required Libraries

import os
import ast
import base58
from uagents import Agent, Context, Model
from solders.keypair import Keypair
from functions import check_balance, transfer_sol
from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
check_balance and transfer_sol from to manage SOL balances/transfers
fund_agent_if_low from uagents.setup can top up the agent’s fetch-side address if needed

Key Classes

class escrowRequest(Model):
amount: float
price: float
public_key: str

class escrowResponse(Model):
result: str
  • Re-used from the Escrow flow: escrowRequest is how we send the user’s bet to the EscrowAgent.

Initialization & Identity

secret_key_str = os.getenv('PLAYER_SECRET_LIST')
secret_key_list = ast.literal_eval(secret_key_str)
secret_key_bytes = bytes(secret_key_list)
agent_keypair = Keypair.from_bytes(secret_key_bytes)
agent_pubkey_base58 = base58.b58encode(bytes(agent_keypair.pubkey())).decode('utf-8')

agent = Agent(
seed="Player Escrow Wallet 1",
  • Decodes the PLAYER_SECRET_LIST from .env.
  • Assigns the Player’s Solana wallet keypair.
  • Sets up a uAgent on port 8001.

Startup Sequence

async def starter_function(ctx: Context):
initial_balance = check_balance(agent_keypair.pubkey())"Initial agent balance: {initial_balance} SOL")

amount = float(input('What is the amount of SOL you want to deposit? '))
price = float(input('What is the price of Bitcoin you want to bid at? '))

# Send bet to Escrow
await ctx.send(
escrowRequest(amount=amount, price=price, public_key=agent_pubkey_base58)

# Transfer SOL to escrow’s base58 key
transfer_result = transfer_sol(agent_keypair, '8WMWFo13At1REkwy5t7ck6sLgCUrJ9dn66mbaccPiJ26', amount)"Transfer result: {transfer_result}")

final_balance = check_balance(agent_keypair.pubkey())"Final agent balance: {final_balance} SOL")
  • Check initial SOL in the user’s wallet.
  • Ask for deposit & BTC price guess.
  • Send an escrowRequest message to the known Escrow agent address.
  • transfer_sol to the Escrow agent’s public key.
  • Log final SOL.

Receiving Escrow Responses

async def escrow_request_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: escrowResponse):
balance = check_balance(agent_keypair.pubkey())'{msg.result}. Updated account balance: {balance} SOL')
  • When the EscrowAgent decides the outcome, it sends an escrowResponse.
  • This handler logs either “You Won” or “You Lost” plus the updated balance.

Running PlayerAgent

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Save the script as
  • Run with poetry run python

Challenger Agent


Nearly identical to, but simulates another user (Challenger) placing a competing bet.

Script Breakdown

Required Libraries

import os
import ast
import base58
from uagents import Agent, Context, Model
from solders.keypair import Keypair
from functions import check_balance, transfer_sol
from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low

Key Classes

class escrowRequest(Model):
amount: float
price: float
public_key: str

class escrowResponse(Model):
result: str

Initialization & Startup

secret_key_str = os.getenv('CHALLENGER_SECRET_LIST')
secret_key_list = ast.literal_eval(secret_key_str)
secret_key_bytes = bytes(secret_key_list)
agent_keypair = Keypair.from_bytes(secret_key_bytes)
agent_pubkey_base58 = base58.b58encode(bytes(agent_keypair.pubkey())).decode('utf-8')

agent = Agent(
seed="Challenger Escrow Wallet 2",


async def starter_function(ctx: Context):
initial_balance = check_balance(agent_keypair.pubkey())"Initial agent balance: {initial_balance} SOL")

amount = float(input('What is the amount of SOL you want to deposit? '))
price = float(input('What is the price of Bitcoin you want to bid at? '))

# Send the bet
await ctx.send(
escrowRequest(amount=amount, price=price, public_key=agent_pubkey_base58)

# Transfer SOL
transfer_result = transfer_sol(agent_keypair, '8WMWFo13At1REkwy5t7ck6sLgCUrJ9dn66mbaccPiJ26', amount)"Transfer result: {transfer_result}")

final_balance = check_balance(agent_keypair.pubkey())"Final agent balance: {final_balance} SOL")

async def escrow_request_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: escrowResponse):
balance = check_balance(agent_keypair.pubkey())'{msg.result}. Updated account balance: {balance} SOL')

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Exactly the same flow: read user input, transfer SOL, wait for a response from the Escrow agent.

Utility Script :

Below is a brief summary of the key utility functions. For full code, see the repository.

import base58
from solders.keypair import Keypair
from solders.pubkey import Pubkey
from solders.transaction import Transaction
from solders.system_program import TransferParams, transfer
from solana.rpc.api import Client
from solana.rpc.types import TxOpts
import requests

def get_keypair_details(secret_key_list):
Given a list of secret key bytes (integers), returns a dictionary with the keypair, public key,
private key in bytes, and private key in Base58 encoding.

# Convert the list of integers into a bytes object (private key)
secret_key_bytes = bytes(secret_key_list)

# Restore the Keypair using the secret key
keypair = Keypair.from_bytes(secret_key_bytes)

# Public key (from keypair)
public_key = keypair.pubkey()

# Private key in Base58 encoding (for readability)
private_key_base58 = base58.b58encode(secret_key_bytes).decode()

# Return all necessary details in a dictionary
return {
"keypair": keypair,
"public_key": public_key, # Solders Pubkey object
"private_key_bytes": secret_key_bytes, # Private key in bytes
"private_key_base58": private_key_base58 # Private key in Base58

client = Client("")

# Function to check balance
def check_balance(pubkey):
balance_resp = client.get_balance(Pubkey.from_bytes(bytes(pubkey)))
print(f'balance_resp :{balance_resp}')
balance = balance_resp.value # Extract balance in lamports
return balance / 1_000_000_000 # Convert lamports to SOL

def transfer_sol(from_keypair, to_pubkey_base58, amount_sol):
# Convert SOL to lamports (1 SOL = 1 billion lamports)
lamports = int(amount_sol * 1_000_000_000)

# Convert the recipient's Base58 public key string to a Pubkey object
to_pubkey = Pubkey.from_string(to_pubkey_base58)

# Get latest blockhash
blockhash_resp = client.get_latest_blockhash()
recent_blockhash = blockhash_resp.value.blockhash

# Create a transfer instruction
transfer_instruction = transfer(
TransferParams(from_pubkey=from_keypair.pubkey(), to_pubkey=to_pubkey, lamports=lamports)

# Create the transaction with the instruction directly
transaction = Transaction.new_signed_with_payer(
[transfer_instruction], # Pass the list of instructions directly
from_keypair.pubkey(), # Fee-payer (challenger)
[from_keypair], # Signers (challenger)
recent_blockhash # Use recent blockhash directly

# Send the transaction
result = client.send_raw_transaction(bytes(transaction), opts=TxOpts(skip_confirmation=False))
return result

def get_latest_btc_price():
# Binance API endpoint for fetching the latest BTC price in USDT
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error for bad responses
data = response.json()
return float(data['price']) # Return the latest BTC price as a float
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error fetching BTC price: {e}")
return None

.env File Example

# .env



Ensure each secret list matches the integer arrays from your player-wallet.json, challenger-wallet.json, and escrow-wallet.json. Also, do not commit your .env to source control.

Steps to Run the Agents

  1. Set Up Virtual Environment & Dependencies
poetry install
  1. Fund Each Wallet on Devnet
solana airdrop 5 <PLAYER_PUBKEY> --url devnet
solana airdrop 5 <CHALLENGER_PUBKEY> --url devnet
solana airdrop 5 <ESCROW_PUBKEY> --url devnet
  1. Start EscrowAgent
poetry run python
  • Wait for it to display Escrow agent initialized, ready for bids.
  1. Start PlayerAgent
poetry run python
  • Input the deposit amount & BTC guess when prompted.
  1. Start ChallengerAgent
poetry run python
  • Similarly input deposit & guess. Once the Escrow receives the second bet, it decides a winner.

Sample Output


INFO: [EscrowAgent]: Escrow agent initialized, ready for bids.
INFO: [EscrowAgent]: Received escrowRequest message
INFO: [EscrowAgent]: Storing first request ...
INFO: [EscrowAgent]: Received escrowRequest message
INFO: [EscrowAgent]: Storing second request ...
INFO: [EscrowAgent]: Processing bids to determine the winner.
INFO: [EscrowAgent]: First difference: 1820.0, Second difference: 586820.0
INFO: [EscrowAgent]: Transferring 0.9 SOL to winner ...
INFO: [EscrowAgent]: Notifying winner and loser.


What is the amount of SOL you want to deposit? 0.5
What is the price of Bitcoin you want to bid at? 65000
INFO: [PlayerAgent]: Transfer result: ...
INFO: [PlayerAgent]: Final agent balance: 4.31998 SOL
INFO: [PlayerAgent]: You Won. Updated account balance: 5.21998 SOL

Debugging Common Issues

  1. Key Decoding Errors

    • Ensure your .env secret lists are valid JSON arrays of integers.
    • If you see ValueError or Cannot decode secret key, confirm you have no trailing commas.
  2. Faucet or Balance Issues

    • Double-check solana balance <PUBKEY> --url devnet. If less then 1 SOL, some transactions might fail due to insufficient lamports for fees.
  3. Agent Registration Problems

    • Confirm AGENTVERSE_API_KEY is correct in your .env.
    • Make sure each agent can reach the default Almanac endpoint (requires internet connection).
  4. BTC Price Fetch Errors

    • If Binance is unreachable or rate-limits your IP, consider adding retry logic or a fallback endpoint.

By following this Solana + uAgents guide, you’ve set up three distinct agents that:

  • Load private keys from .env
  • Register on’s Almanac for discovery
  • Communicate using @agent.on_message and typed models (escrowRequest, escrowResponse)
  • Interact with Solana Devnet for safe, low-cost experimentation

This architecture can be extended for NFT auctions, DeFi ops, cross-chain bridging, or any scenario where you need agent-driven logic plus on-chain Solana transactions. Enjoy building!


Note: GitHub repository for this example is available here.