
We are proud to be the

Gold sponsor



Celesta presents Fetch's AI Agent hackathon, a premier event in collaboration with Fetch.ai, where creativity meets cutting-edge technology.

November 11, 2024

IIT Patna


Tuesday, October 22

12:00 IST

Registration Start


Monday, October 28

23:45 IST

Registration Deadline


Tuesday, October 29

18:30 IST

Pre-Hackathon Workshop

Tuesday, November 05

12:00 IST

Submission Deadline

Monday, November 11

12:00 IST

Final Presentation

IIT Patna


Fetch.ai’s vision is to create a marketplace of dynamic applications. We are empowering developers to build on our platform that can connect services and APIs without any domain knowledge.

Our infrastructure enables ‘search and discovery’ and ‘dynamic connectivity’. It offers an open, modular, UI agnostic, self-assembling of services.

Our technology is built on four key components:

Agents - AI Agents are independent decision-makers that connect to the network and other agents. These agents can represent data, APIs, services, ML models and people.

Agentverse - serves as a development and hosting platform for these agents.

Fetchai SDK – seamlessly integrates your AI Agent into Agentverse and empowers dynamic connectivity with the Fetch.ai SDK

Fetch Network - underpins the entire system, ensuring smooth operation and integration.

Challenge statement

Build a solid application using uAgents using custom frontend.


Build a solid solution (chained integrations) that works on DeltaV.

Note: It's a must to include uAgents in your applications.

Additional Information : You can post all your queries in the #innovation-labs channel on Discord.

If you want to learn more about uAgents through articles, please Click Here.

Submission Link: Devpost

You can find more interesting integrations and example on our gitHub Repo.

Pre-built Fetch.ai Agents list

Hackathon Guide

Feel free to integrate the Pre-built Fetch.ai Agents into your applications.

Fetch.ai tech stack


Product Overview

This flowchart can get you to where you want to be:


Quick start example

This file can be run on any platform supporting Python, with the necessary install permissions. This example shows two agents communicating with each other using the uAgent python library.
Read the guide for this code here ↗

from uagents import Agent, Bureau, Context, Model
    class Message(Model):
        message: str
    sigmar = Agent(name="sigmar", seed="sigmar recovery phrase")
    slaanesh = Agent(name="slaanesh", seed="slaanesh recovery phrase")
    async def send_message(ctx: Context):
       await ctx.send(slaanesh.address, Message(message="hello there slaanesh"))
    async def sigmar_message_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Message):
        ctx.logger.info(f"Received message from {sender}: {msg.message}")
    async def slaanesh_message_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Message):
        ctx.logger.info(f"Received message from {sender}: {msg.message}")
        await ctx.send(sigmar.address, Message(message="hello there sigmar"))
    bureau = Bureau()
    if __name__ == "__main__":
Video introduction
Video 1
Introduction to agents
Video 2
On Interval
Video 3
On Event
Video 4
Agent Messages

Judging Criteria

Each row is scored 1 to 5, with a total score being your final score.
How technically sound the use of technology is?
Best case as per the Success Tree
Engagement/ Direction
How engaging the project is for community?
Use-case solving a real life problem
How well the project takes use of technology? Could there have been more efficient ways of doing the same solution?
Chaining of tasks
Is the project practical from business point of view?
Implementing the travel use-case for car-hire where everything is done by simple message
Is there a demand for this solution in the chosen market?
A solution for recruitment which would connect to linkedin for professional profile
How impactful the project is? Both options to be evaluated ( large number of people with low impact or small amount of people with profound impact)
Flights booking through multi-agent system with cost effective solution. This will impact large amount of people




Support will be available at the hackathon, and you can also reach out to the core dev team who will be able to support you via Discord ↗


Profile picture of Sana Wajid

Sana Wajid

Programme and Operations Director

Profile picture of Rishank Jhavar

Rishank Jhavar

Stream Lead, Dev Advocacy and Product Marketing

Profile picture of Kshipra Dhame

Kshipra Dhame

Developer Advocate

Profile picture of Abhimanyu Gangani

Abhimanyu Gangani

Developer Advocate


Profile picture of Gautam Kumar

Gautam Kumar

Developer Advocate

Profile picture of Dev Chauhan

Dev Chauhan

Developer Advocate