Fetch.ai has recently launched ASI-1 Mini, a Web3-native LLM designed for complex, autonomous workflows.

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Agentic AI World Hackathon

​This high energy hackathon leverages the latest cutting edge tools and platforms, giving teams the opportunity to build agentic driven solutions with the potential to break out and become the next unicorns.

September 21, 2024

San Francisco, California


Friday, September 20

17:00 PDT

Pre-Workshop Networking with pizza

Digital Garage US

18:00 PDT

Opening Ceremony with Sana Wajid

Digital Garage US

18:10 PDT

"Built on Fetch.ai" with Yuanbo Pang and Chinmay Nilesh

Digital Garage US

18:30 PDT

AI Agents Workshop with Mark Losey

Digital Garage US

19:30 PDT

Post-Workshop Networking

Digital Garage US

Saturday, September 21

11:00 PDT

Team UP: Pitch your project for hack collaborations

Digital Garage US

13:00 PDT

Pre-Workshop Networking with pizza

Digital Garage US

13:30 PDT

AI Agents Workshop with Mark Losey

Digital Garage US

Sunday, September 22

14:00 PDT

Project Submission and Presentation

Digital Garage US

17:00 PDT

Awards Ceremony and Celebration

Digital Garage US


Fetch.ai’s vision is to create a marketplace of dynamic applications. We are empowering developers to build on our platform that can connect services and APIs without any domain knowledge.

Our infrastructure enables ‘search and discovery’ and ‘dynamic connectivity’. It offers an open, modular, UI agnostic, self-assembling of services.

Our technology is built on four key components:

uAgents - uAgents are autonomous AI agents built to connect seamlessly with networks and other agents. They can represent and interact with data, APIs, services, machine learning models, and individuals, enabling intelligent and dynamic decision-making in decentralized environments.

Agentverse - serves as a development and hosting platform for these agents.

Fetchai SDK – seamlessly integrates your AI Agent into Agentverse and empowers dynamic connectivity with the Fetch.ai SDK

Fetch Network - underpins the entire system, ensuring smooth operation and integration.

ASI-1 Mini - A Web3-native large language model (LLM) optimized for agent-based workflows.

Challenge statement

Fetch offers an easy way to create your AI agent. AI agents provide a revolutionary way to interact with LLMs. Fetch empowers LLMs from simple text generation methods to a framework that can understand a complex query, dissect it into understandable steps, and execute all of them. Although extremely powerful on their own, the capabilities of AI agents can be enhanced by using other tools.

Use the following services in your uAgent code to do more with your code! If you use all these services in your project, you would be qualified to win the Top Agentified App Prize!

Good luck and code away!

Fetch.ai tech stack


Product Overview


Quick start example

This file can be run on any platform supporting Python, with the necessary install permissions. This example shows two agents communicating with each other using the uAgent python library.
Read the guide for this code here ↗

from uagents import Agent, Bureau, Context, Model
    class Message(Model):
        message: str
    sigmar = Agent(name="sigmar", seed="sigmar recovery phrase")
    slaanesh = Agent(name="slaanesh", seed="slaanesh recovery phrase")
    async def send_message(ctx: Context):
       await ctx.send(slaanesh.address, Message(message="hello there slaanesh"))
    async def sigmar_message_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Message):
        ctx.logger.info(f"Received message from {sender}: {msg.message}")
    async def slaanesh_message_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Message):
        ctx.logger.info(f"Received message from {sender}: {msg.message}")
        await ctx.send(sigmar.address, Message(message="hello there sigmar"))
    bureau = Bureau()
    if __name__ == "__main__":
Video introduction
Video 1
Introduction to agents
Video 2
On Interval
Video 3
On Event
Video 4
Agent Messages

Judging Criteria

Each row is scored 1 to 5, with a total score being your final score.
How well do your AI Agents perform their intended tasks? How effectively are APIs and frameworks integrated into your solution?
Agentverse Integration
Have you registered all your AI Agents on Agentverse?
Quantity of Agents Created
How many AI Agents have you created for this project? Does your submission demonstrate creativity and diversity in your AI Agents?
Personal Assistant Development
Does your assistant utilize the Search and Discover feature on Agentverse to dynamically connect with and coordinate tasks between multiple agents?
Innovation and Impact
Does your project address a real-world problem or introduce novel ideas?




Profile picture of Sana Wajid

Sana Wajid

CDO at Fetch.ai Innovation Lab

Profile picture of Elliot Bertram

Elliot Bertram

BD Director at Fetch.ai Innovation Lab

Profile picture of Mark Losey

Mark Losey

CTO at FlockX


Profile picture of Sanket Shekhar Kulkarni

Sanket Shekhar Kulkarni


Profile picture of Tanay Godse

Tanay Godse


Profile picture of Chinmay Mahagaonkar

Chinmay Mahagaonkar
