17:00 PDT
Pre-Workshop Networking with pizza
Digital Garage US
18:00 PDT
Opening Ceremony with Sana Wajid
Digital Garage US
18:10 PDT
"Built on Fetch.ai" with Yuanbo Pang and Chinmay Nilesh
Digital Garage US
18:30 PDT
AI Agents Workshop with Mark Losey
Digital Garage US
19:30 PDT
Post-Workshop Networking
Digital Garage US
11:00 PDT
Team UP: Pitch your project for hack collaborations
Digital Garage US
13:00 PDT
Pre-Workshop Networking with pizza
Digital Garage US
13:30 PDT
AI Agents Workshop with Mark Losey
Digital Garage US
14:00 PDT
Project Submission and Presentation
Digital Garage US
17:00 PDT
Awards Ceremony and Celebration
Digital Garage US

Sana Wajid
CDO at Fetch.ai Innovation Lab

Elliot Bertram
BD Director at Fetch.ai Innovation Lab

Mark Losey
CTO at FlockX

Sanket Shekhar Kulkarni

Tanay Godse

Chinmay Mahagaonkar